Welcome back, I hope you all had a safe and happy winter break! I want to say a huge thank you for your generosity. Miss Jaelyn and I appreciate it so much. This week we learned the letter “Ee”. Our Sign Language words are: egg, elephant, and eat. During our morning circle I introduced the children to their last name cards. Although the children know their last names it’s different when they see the letters that spell them. At first it’s a bit confusing but they will get used to it in no time at all.
Over the next few weeks the children will be learning different brochos. This week we learned Hagafen and Hamotzi. The children painted a wine bottle and a big Challah for our bulletin board. Morah Chanie bought 3 different bottles of grape juice for the children to taste, as well as different colored grapes. The children took turns squeezing the grapes for grape juice. On Wednesday Morah Raizel bought wheat and her seed grinder. The children were able to see and touch the wheat seeds, then they took turns grinding the seeds into flour. We then compared the store bought flour (which was white) and the flour we created (which was tan).
This month we will be learning about Winter. For free art this week the children painted ice skates, beanies, mittens, and snowflakes. As you can tell we have no playground so we have been using the kindergarten playground. This playground has some new play areas which is a great way for the children to work on their gross motor skills. The new playground will be complete at the end of the month. Although the children have been so excited to watch the workers as they work, it will be nice for them to play on the new play structure.
Until next week,
Miss Deana
Dear Parents,
This week we began exploring where food comes from. Knowing the food's source we can properly identify the correct bracha. The children learned about the brachos of hamotzi and hagafen. We looked closely at wheat and ground it up to make flour! It was a lot of work to turn the handle. The best part was making challah dough on Friday. For the bracha of hagafen we squeezed grapes and made juice. We also tasted different varieties of grape juice! Yum!
Next week we will explore the bracha of mezonos.
Have a peaceful and restful Shabbos!
Morah Raizel