2's Class - Miss Emily & Morah Mimi - HebrewAcademyPreschool.org

Miss Emily & Morah Sarah - June 7, 2024

Friday, 7 June, 2024 - 1:26 pm


We are closing in on the end of the year and it’s amazing what progress we’ve made! Our friends are playing cooperatively, talking up a storm, cleaning up one toy before moving onto the next, and washing our hands completely independently. We are so very proud of them. We also did a toy rotation this week and all the new options are super popular. A lot of behavior problems were simply because they were bored so this has had a positive outcome.

This week we got ready for Shavuot some more. We put a Har Sinai on our board and water colored some flowers to hang on the mountain and our friends thoroughly loved the process. They turned out beautiful. We’ve been singing a couple songs every day and our friends are super into them. Here are the lyrics:

I am a mountain so very high, I can reach all the way up to the sky

The Torah should be given on me, For I am as tall as can be, You see

"Oh no said the wide mountain"

I am a mountain so very wide, I can reach all the way from side to side

The Torah should be given on me, For I am as wide as can be, You see

Now little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed, I know I’m not tall and I know I’m not wide

The Torah shouldn’t be given on me, But that’s ok cause that’s just how HaShem made me

From all the mountains HaShem chose Sinai, Because he did not hold himself up so high

He had such simple and humble ways from this we learn humbleness pays

HaShem gave us a present, do you know what it was?

He gave us the Torah so we can keep its laws.

He asked the other nations, do you want this gift of mine?

But they “No Thank you, for Torah there’s no time”.

Then to Bnai Yisroel HaShem did go we said Na’aseh V’nishma

Because we love HaShem so

Then to Bnai Yisroel HaShem did go we said Na’aseh V’nishma

Because we love HaShem so

We look forward to seeing everyone at our performance on Monday the 17th. Our friends have been practicing their song and dance every day and are really excited about it all. Note that often when a friend gets on stage they freeze up. Don’t be surprised if this happens. But, I anticipate our friends blowing us away!


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