From Miss Kristine
Dear Families,
This week we jumped into all things Thanksgiving. We are singing songs and reading fun stories to get in the mood. We painted funny turkeys (freehand) to decorate the room and they will go into our end of the year books.
For creative writing, we talked about what it means to be thankful. Our children have so many things to be thankful for and they did a great job illustrating their ideas. Here are their answers:
I am thankful for....
Ben: all of my family
Chaim: I am thankful for my whole family...everyone!
Leah: the books that I read at home that talk...they"re glittery
Masha: my chocolate breadsticks at the end of the day....and my family
Musia G. : My mommy
Mussia P.: playing with my brothers
Pinny: the whole world and Meir.... I love the whole world.
Sarah: I'm thankful for my family.
Savannah: my mommy buying my chocolate
Shira: my mommy buying my sand art and new toys
Tova: my new books
Tzion: my whole family... I love them
Yossi: going swimming at the beach
For phonics we worked on the sound for /C/. We made cute cows and painted them by using corks to apply the spots along with painting a colorful background. We followed with coloring and cutting /C/ pictures to put on our big C.
For literature, we read Corduroy by Don Freeman. This is a classic book about a cute little stuffed bear who gets overlooked on the store shelf, until he meets Lisa. It's a sweet story about kindness and friendship. As a story connection, we made Corduroy and dressed him in his famous overalls. To finish him off, the children gave him two real buttons. They were eager to take them home so hopefully they have already shared him with you and retold the story.
For sensory fun, we "had to " play with shaving cream for /C/ week. They had fun forming letters and drawing pictures with a shaving cream canvas. The room smelled so good when we were done.
For outside play the children got together to build an obstacle course. This is usually the time of year it happens, when the weather is nice and the kids feel more comfortable and confident working together. With a little encouragement, it happens organically. This is such a great activity because it supports creativity, cooperation, teamwork, and compromise. They get to test their physical agility, and they end up feeling powerful in the process. They incorporate the play structure with hula hoops, balance beams and tires to set a course all around the wood chips. It is so fun to watch them come up with unique ways to go from point A to point B.
With Morah Chanie being out of the country for the next few weeks, my next newsletter will be around Thanksgiving. I will make sure to report what we do during that time. Meanwhile, I am sure your children will keep you updated with everything we do.
Just a reminder, Monday, November 11th is a No School Day for the children. We, however, are all scheduled for conferences, so I look forward to seeing all of you Monday. If you are scheduled for a phone appointment, Morah Raizel and I will call you at your scheduled time. If you are coming in person, we look forward to seeing you then.
Have a great weekend,
From Morah Raizel
Dear Parents,
This week the children learned about the next story in the Torah, the story of Avram, the first Jew. Avram is known as the first Jew because he was the first one to discover Hashem. The children learned a song about Avram. We read the book A Little Boy Named Avram by Dina Rosenfeld.
In this week’s parsha, Hashem commands Avram to leave his father’s house and travel to the land He will show him. We learned about the famine that Avram found in the land of Canaan and how he had to travel to Egypt, where his wife Sarai was taken as a wife for Paraoh because she was so beautiful. Hashem protected Sarai and Paraoh was afflicted with an illness. He returned Sarai to Avram with a lot of gifts.
We learned about Hashem’s promise to Avram, that his children will inherit the land of Canaan, and that his children will be as numerous as the stars and sand.
We learned that we are Avram’s children and because of that, Israel is our special land, promised to us by Hashem.
This is the song that we learned this week:
For the tune, please click here.
A Small Boy of Three
When Avram was a small boy of three,
He looked at the stars and the sea.
He thought that Hashem was in the sky,
The sun or the moon so high.
But after each one in its time did set,
He knew there was someone greater yet.
Then he understood, and was filled with love,
He knew that Hashem was above (repeat).
Best wishes for a restful Shabbos!