It’s been an exciting week in school as the children prepared for Tu B’Shvat. There were a lot of art activities with trees. The children learned to identify which fruit grows on the ground and which grows from trees. We talked about how we could take care of trees. In honor of Tu B’Shvat, we tasted some of the seven species that Israel is blessed with. The children filled out a survey and checked off which of the fruits were their taste. We sang Happy Birthday to the trees growing in our playground.
The Parsha of the week is Yisro!
This week we learned all about the giving of the Torah! We learned about the special mountain, Har Sinai, and the unity that occurred as the Jews gathered to receive the Torah. We learned a song about the Ten Commandments. Here it is!
1, Hashem that’s all there is,
So 2, make no images.
And 3, be careful with Hashem’s name,
4, keep my Shabbat flame.
5, respect your mom and dad.
6, don’t kill that would be bad.
7, to your spouse, stay always true,
8, don’t steal it’s not for you.
9, when you testify, don’t tell a lie.
10, what you have is best so don’t go after someone else’s share.
After singing the song, we discussed what each commandment means.
Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos!
This week we learned the letter “Qq”. Our Sign language words are: quit, Queen, and quiet. We continued to learn about TuB’Svat. On Monday, we worked on making crowns. We used markers and special tree stickers on a birthday crown. During our morning circle we played the “Name Game” using our first name and our last name.
On Wednesday, we made cupcakes that look like trees. The children helped by checking the eggs (to make sure there was no blood) they measured, mixed and helped stir all the ingredients all together. On Thursday, we added green frosting and used cereal to represent fruit that grows on trees.
On TuB’shvat, we had a light party. We had lights on tables, we had lights in our “Home Living” area, We even wore light. From light up earrings to light up glasses and hats. During our recess we wore crowns and necklaces that the children made and sang happy birthday to the big orange tree. During our morning snack the children had raisins and dates (if they wanted to taste them).
With all the rain we’ve had we have been playing under the eve. We brought out some of our classroom toys and played with them on the tables. A HUGE thank you to Miss Lisa for sharing her trampoline with us so the children were able to jump out some of their energy. I will be out of town next week, however Miss Jaelyn will be here, and we will also have a substitute.
Important Reminder:
There is NO school, or daycare on Presidents Day Monday February 17th.
Until Next Week,