4's Class - Miss Deana & Morah Raizel - Hebrew Academy Karp Early Childhood Center

4's Class - Miss Deana & Morah Raizel

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class


It’s been an exciting week in school as the children prepared for Tu B’Shvat.  There were a lot of art activities with trees.  The children learned to identify which fruit grows on the ground and which grows from trees.   We talked about how we could take care of trees.  In honor of Tu B’Shvat, we tasted some of the seven species that Israel is blessed with.  The children filled out a survey and checked off which of the fruits were their taste.  We sang Happy Birthday to the trees growing in our playground.

The Parsha of the week is Yisro! 

This week we learned all about the giving of the Torah!  We learned about the special mountain, Har Sinai, and the unity that occurred as the Jews gathered to receive the Torah.  We learned a song about the Ten Commandments.  Here it is!

1, Hashem that’s all there is,

So 2, make no images.

And 3, be careful with Hashem’s name,

4, keep my Shabbat flame.

5, respect your mom and dad.

6, don’t kill that would be bad.

7, to your spouse, stay always true,

8, don’t steal it’s not for you.

9, when you testify, don’t tell a lie.

10, what you have is best so don’t go after someone else’s share.

After singing the song, we discussed what each commandment means.  

Wishing you a wonderful Shabbos!


This week we learned the letter “Qq”. Our Sign language words are: quit, Queen, and quiet. We continued to learn about TuB’Svat.  On Monday, we worked on making crowns. We used markers and special tree stickers on a birthday crown. During our morning circle we played the “Name Game” using our first name and our last name. 

On Wednesday, we made cupcakes that look like trees. The children helped by checking the eggs (to make sure there was no blood) they measured, mixed and helped stir all the ingredients all together. On Thursday, we added green frosting and used cereal to represent fruit that grows on trees.

On TuB’shvat, we had a light party. We had lights on tables, we had lights in our “Home Living” area, We even wore light. From light up earrings to light up glasses and hats. During our recess we wore crowns and necklaces that the children made and sang happy birthday to the big orange tree. During our morning snack the children had raisins and dates (if they wanted to taste them). 

With all the rain we’ve had we have been playing under the eve. We brought out some of our classroom toys and played with them on the tables. A HUGE thank you to Miss Lisa for sharing her trampoline with us so the children were able to jump out some of their energy. I will be out of town next week, however Miss Jaelyn will be here, and we will also have a substitute. 

Important Reminder:


There is NO school, or daycare on Presidents Day Monday February 17th.


Until Next Week, 

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

Yeah our playground is finished! The children were so excited to finally play on it.  This week we learned the letter “Tt”. Our Sign Language words are: tree, turtle, and tiger.  We learned the  bracha shehakol. During our morning circle we sorted our play food into the correct categories. Once they were sorted we counted the items and graphed the items.  Plus Graphs are tools for visually organizing and comparing data about two or more sets of items. Graphing can be a way for children  to apply what they know about classification, counting, and one-to-one correspondence.

On Thursday, we made bird feeders out of bagels for Shabbat Shira.  The children used a variety of colored glue (it’s safe for the birds) and rolled them in bird seed. The children are so excited to hang them up.

The children are really into patterns. The children have made patterns out of all kinds of items. We made  patterns with our blocks and Lego, we made patterns out of our cars and trains.  We even made patterns out of  our friends (boy and girl). Learning to pattern helps develop crucial cognitive skills, predicting what comes next, developing logical thinking, and early math skills. 

Important Reminders:

There is no school on Monday February 17th.


Until Next Week,




The parsha of the week is Beshalach, Beshalach, Beshalach,                       The parsha of the week is Beshalach,                                                             That is the parsha of the week.


Hooray!  The Jewish people are finally free and are allowed to leave Egypt.  Their destination?  The desert!  But how did they know where to go?  They had no maps.  A cloud led them by day and a fire led them by night.


A few days later, who changed his mind?  King Paraoh!  Even though he was the king and did not have to do anything alone, he saddled his horse to chase after the Jewish people.  Oh no!  The Jews were trapped!  Don’t worry!  Hashem took care of them and split the sea!  They walked across on dry land. 


The Jewish people thanked Hashem by singing and dancing.  The birds helped them and sang along.  This week is called Shabbat Shira, the Shabbat of song.  We have the custom to feed the birds before Shabbat.


The Jewish people had a special diet in the desert.  It was called mann!  It fell from the sky and tasted like anything you wished.  The only day it did not fall was on Shabbat.  There was a double portion that fell on Friday.


The children learned about the bracha of shehakol this week. Over the past weeks, we have been working on our brachos books, page by page. On Thursday, the children participated in a grand finale activity. The children cut out pictures of foods and organized them by the correct bracha by gluing them onto a chart.


Tu B’Shvat is coming!  We are beginning to talk about this special holiday for the trees.   Looking forward to our special Tu B’Shvat celebration next week!

Shabbat Shalom!



Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

This week we learned the letter “Ww”. Our Sign Language words are: water, watermelon, and worm. During our morning circle we played musical chairs using our name cards. The children are getting really good at recognizing their first and last names. We learned the bracha Haadama this week. The children painted vegetables growing from the ground for our bulletin board.

 On Monday, I brought out magnets.  Playing with magnets help develop critical thinking skills, fine motor coordination, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving abilities through hands-on exploration of the concept of magnetism, all while introducing basic scientific principles through play; essentially, it's a fun way to learn about cause and effect while engaging their dexterity and creativity. 

On Tuesday, I brought out some colored glue and the children were able to glue all types of foam letters. The children were so good at recognizing the letters in their name as well as letters that are in their friends names. On Thursday, we made vegetable soup for the bracha Haadama. The children washed, peeled and cut all types of vegetables. Most of the children tasted the soup and a few friends even had second helpings. It was perfect for a cold day!

Import Reminders:

Please remember to dress your child with easy clothing on swim days. We are getting dressed in the heated locker room. Trying to put tights and skinny jeans on after swimming is extremely difficult, and frustrating for your child. We promote independence at this age and that includes getting dressed and undressed.

Until Next Week,

Miss Deana



The Parsha of the week is Bo, Bo, Bo,

The Parsha of the week is Bo,

That is the parsha of the week.

This week we learned about the last three of the ten plagues.  We talked about the lamb the Jewish people brought into their houses, which they later cooked.  The lamb's blood was painted on their doorposts so the angel of Hashem would pass over their homes.  We also talked about Pharaoh running out in his pajamas in the middle of the night, telling Moshe to leave Egypt immediately!  Moshe told Pharaoh that the Jewish people would leave Egypt in the morning so it would be known far and wide.

This week we explored the bracha of ha’adama, foods that grow from the earth.  The children looked at pictures of ha’adama foods and identified many of them. The highlight was tasting delicious ha’adama foods!

Shabbat Shalom!

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class


Dear Parents,

This week we learned about the first seven plagues in the parsha of Va’eira.  Stubborn Pharaoh just will not let the Jewish people go!  Every time each plague is over he changes his mind.  He is so wicked!  During the first plague, blood, the Egyptians could only get water by purchasing it from the Jewish people.  The children learned about the frogs that jumped into the food in hot ovens even though it was against their nature.  We also discussed the seventh plague, hail, where fire and ice became friends and worked together. We are looking forward to finding out what happens in next week’s Torah portion!

The bracha we explored this week is haeitz.  The children tasted various fruits and looked at picture cards of common and uncommon fruits of the tree.  They were also encouraged to participate in sensory and art activities involving fruit.

Have a restful Shabbos! 


What a great week we have had! This week we learned the letter “Ff”. Our Sign Language words are: family, friend, and fruit. On Tuesday we played with feathers. The children threw their feathers up in the air and then they would try and catch it. This was a fun way for the children to work on their hand eye coordination. 

The brachot we learned was haeitz (food that grows on a tree). The children painted a tree for our bulletin board. We added food that grows on tree stickers.  Thank you all for bringing in a food item to class. The children prepared a huge “Friendship Fruit Salad”. The children washed, cut, and prepared the salad and we ate it during our morning snack time. The children were so proud of themselves for all their hard work! 

On Tuesday I brought out all sorts of paint for free art. The children created some amazing pieces. From rainbows, to families the children are getting so creative.  Free art allows them to explore different techniques without any worry of failure or particular end product in mind. Painting will also help kids gain confidence by allowing them freedom to create art with no guidelines. Most importantly It's FUN!

For Science this week, the children explored water and ice. I froze a big ice block with a few different animals inside.  I put out droppers, salt, rock salt, and water, and a few arctic animals and let the children explore. This activity was a huge hit. I would add different objects to keep the children engaged, and everyone had a chance to play with it. This activity was a great way for the children to learn cause and effect, work on communication, free thinking, problem solving, sensory development, creativity, and their imagination.

Until Next Week 


Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

This week we learned the letter “Uu”. Our Sign Language words are: up, under, and umbrella. During our morning circle we played “The Name Game” using our last names. This week we learned the brachot Mizonot. The children painted a great big cookie for our bulletin board. This brachot was a bit confusing. The children had a harder time sorting our playfood into the correct pile. They were confused between Hamotzi and Mizonot. The children will get it the more we say them.

This week we celebrated “UNIQUE” week. We did a few activities under the tables for letter U. On Monday, we played with our train set under the table. On Tuesday, we played with our table top toys under the table. On Wednesday we ate our snack under the table. Thursday, we colored under the table and on Friday, we played with  puzzles under the table. The children had a fun time and they were all so excited to see what “under” activity would be next!

On Thursday, we made brownies for the brachot Mizonot. The children poured, mixed, and checked the eggs (to make sure there were no blood spots). The children were so proud of themselves, and excited to eat them for snack time. Another fun activity we played was “What’s Missing” using mizonos food.  The children are getting really good with the brachot.


This week we learned about the bracha mezonos and the Parsha of Shmos.  We looked at pictures of foods that are under the category of mezonos.  We also played a game where we needed to identify if the food was mezonos or not.


The book of shemos is the second of the five books of the Torah. We began to learn about the beginnings of the slavery in Egypt.  The children learned that Jews were tricked into becoming slaves.  We talked about what it means to be a slave.  A slave doesn’t get to make any choices. A slave doesn’t get to take care of their body or have a day off.  It is very difficult to be a slave.  


The story continues with the message Paraoh got from his astrologers.  He was informed that a baby boy would be born and this baby would free the Jewish slaves from Egypt!  Oh no!  Paraoh made a wicked decree.  No more baby boys!  If a boy is born he gets taken away!  How awful!  A baby boy was born to a special family. He was hidden in his home for three months.  His mother then made him a basket and gently placed him in the river.  His big sister Miriam watched to make sure he was safe.  Princess Batya was taking a swim in the Nile River when she discovered the baby crying.  His sister Miraim recommended a Jewish woman who could feed the baby.  Batya named him Moshe.  


When Moshe was older he went out and saw the suffering of the Jewish people.  One day he protected a Jewish slave from a wicked guard.  The news reach Paraoh and Moshe needed to run for safety.  He left Egypt and was a shepherd of Yisro’s sheep.  One day, he saw a very odd sight.  A bush was burning, but the branches weren’t being eaten!  Hashem spoke to Moshe from the bush and told him to tell Paraoh to let the Jewish people go.  Moshe said no.  He had many reasons to refuse.  After seven days, the conversation was over and Moshe headed to Egypt with his wondrous staff.  He was on his way to tell King Paroah to let the Jewish people go!


Wishing you a restful Shabbos,


Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

Welcome back, I hope you all had a safe and happy winter break! I want to say a huge thank you for your generosity. Miss Jaelyn and I appreciate it so much. This week we learned the letter “Ee”. Our Sign Language words are: egg, elephant, and eat. During our morning circle I introduced the children to their last name cards. Although the children know their last names it’s different when they see the letters that spell them.  At first it’s a bit confusing but they will get used to it in no time at all.

Over the next few weeks the children will be learning different brochos.  This week we learned Hagafen and Hamotzi. The children painted a wine bottle and a big Challah for our bulletin board. Morah Chanie bought 3 different bottles of grape juice for the children to taste, as well as different colored grapes. The children took turns squeezing the grapes for grape juice. On Wednesday Morah Raizel bought wheat and  her seed grinder. The children were able to see and touch the wheat seeds, then they took turns grinding the seeds into flour. We then compared the store bought flour (which was white) and the flour we created (which was tan).

This month we will be learning about Winter. For free art this week the children painted ice skates, beanies, mittens, and snowflakes. As you can tell we have no playground so we have been using the kindergarten playground. This playground has some new play areas which is a great way for the children to work on their gross motor skills. The new playground will be complete at the end of the month. Although the children have been so excited to watch the workers as they work, it will be nice for them to play on the new play structure.

Until next week,

Miss Deana

Dear Parents,

This week we began exploring where food comes from.  Knowing the food's source we can properly identify the correct bracha.  The children learned about the brachos of hamotzi and hagafen.  We looked closely at wheat and ground it up to make flour!  It was a lot of work to turn the handle.  The best part was making challah dough on Friday.  For the bracha of hagafen we squeezed grapes and made juice.  We also tasted different varieties of grape juice!  Yum!

Next week we will explore the bracha of mezonos.  

Have a peaceful and restful Shabbos!

Morah Raizel 

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

We did it, the last week of school for 2024! We are ready to tackle Chanukah.  The children had a busy but great “spirit week”. We spent the week working on our menorahs. They turned out BEAUTIFUL. The children are so excited to use them. This week we learned the letter “Mm”. Our Sign Language words are: menorah, mom, and monkey. The children learned a few Chanukah words in Sign Language: candle, Chanukah, menorah, and donut. 


Monday was our “light party”. We had lights all around our class for the kids to play with. Miss Jaelyn and I wore special light up costumes that the children were able to use and play with. Another fun activity we did was going to the olive oil pressing with Rabbi Sender. The children had a chance to pick an olive and watch how to make olive oil. Tuesday was our “Blue day”, we played with blue slime, blue playdough, blue markers and blue tape/stickers.  


Wednesday was “facepaint day”. The children painted their own faces, and they were able to paint Miss Jaelyn, and myself. We had face paint not only on our faces, but on our hands and arms as well. Another fun activity we did was latka making. The children had a chance to grate potatoes and eat latkes with applesauce. I’m happy to say everyone tried them. 


Thursday was our “Teddy bear picnic”. The children had so much fun eating their food all together on the ground (the outside playground is under construction so we had to picnic inside). The children were able to play with their stuffy throughout the day which they shared with each other so nicely. 


Friday was “Pajama dance party”. This day by far is the children’s favorite day!  We got to have a Shabbos party and make challah in our jammies.  The preschool playground is under construction so we got to play like the big kids and use the kindergarten playground. For afternoon recess the children got a chance to watch the construction workers using different tools (which was very exciting).  

I hope you all have a safe and happy Chanukah!


From Morah Raizel 

We made it! All of our Chanukah preparation is complete! We learned about the story, the mitzvah, and customs associated with Chanukah. The children are excited for next Wednesday night! This week, we read some great Chanukah books: I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Dreidel by Caryn Yacowitz and David Slonim, Eight Bright Nights by Hindy Spitz, and Chanukah Guess Who by Ariella Stern.  During circle time I showed the children pictures of menorahs in different locations and they had to decide if it was an appropriate spot for a menorah.  They needed to look closely because some of them were tricky.

Wishing you and your family a Shabbat Shalom and a joyous and bright Chanukah! 

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class


This week we learned the letter “Dd”. Our Sign Language words are: dreidel, dad, and donut. During our morning circle we played “What’s Missing” using Chanukah items. These types of games help with memory recall, patience, and paying attention.  On Monday the children not only played with dreidels, they color sorted them, and sorted them by size. 

On Tuesday, I put a bunch of Chanukah stickers into our sticker box and the children created some “masterpieces” with them.  On Wednesday, I brought out some Chanukah  stamps. The children had so much fun stamping!

Next week we will be doing some fun Chanukah activities 

  • Monday light party

  • Tuesday blue day

  • Wednesday face painting

  • Thursday stuff animal picnic

  • Friday pajama,bubble dance party

Wednesday, we were finally able to swim. Now that the weather is cooling off we are fortunate to have a covered warm pool to swim in. Please keep in mind tights/skinny jeans/leggings are really hard to put in after swimming. The children are working hard on being independent and those types of items are really frustrating to put on after the pool.

If you will be traveling for the holiday, please let me know so your child’s project can go home early.

Until Next Week,

Miss Deana


Chanukah is approaching and we are getting ready!  We sang songs, talked about the story, and learned how to celebrate Chanukah.  The children are very excited for Chanukah to arrive.  One of the important messages of Chanukah is learning to be brave like a Maccabee and to think for yourself.  The Maccabees teach us to stand up for ourselves and to think independently, even if it is not what everyone around us is doing.

We are looking forward to more learning and exploring next week! 

Shabbat Shalom, 

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel

I hope you all had a safe and happy Thanksgiving. This week we learned the letter “Cc”. Our Sign Language words are: candle, Chanukah, and cat. During our morning circle, we played musical chairs using our name game cards. These type of games works on:

  • Listening: Children learn to differentiate between sound and silence. 
  • Social skills: Children learn to cooperate and communicate with others.
  • Self-regulation: Children learn to be prepared and regulate themselves.
  • Spatial awareness: Children learn to navigate space and understand their position in relation to others. 

For art this week the children painted using cars. The children had so much fun dipping the cars and creating tire marks onto the paper. We started learning about Chanukah. We added menorahs in our “Home Living” area, we added dreidels and a menorah on our Science table, and added dreidels into our sensory boxes.

On Wednesday, the children painted beautiful menorahs, and donuts to hang up on our windows. During our afternoon circle we learned “10 little latkes frying in a pan” fingerplay. Fingerplays are a great fine motor activity, language development, and rhythmic proficiency, and hand eye coordination. 


If you will be traveling for Chanukah please let me know so I can have your child’s project finished early.

Until Next Week,

Miss Deana


Dear Parents,

Chanukah is coming, and as with all Jewish holidays, we are excitingly preparing.  In order to begin our Chanukah exploration, I asked the children what they think about when I say the word, ‘Chanukah’. Their responses are below.  

Ruby: Chanukah in my bed.

Shneur: Lighting the menorah.

Zalman: Eating chocolate gelt.

Asher: I like to light the candles.

Elias: I like to eat latkes in my bed when it is Chanukah.

Pearl: I like my Mommy and Daddy.

Shiloh: I like eating latkes at my Grammy’s.

Goldie: I like unicorns and Chanukah menorahs.

Hannah: Lighting the candles.

Avigail Ninnete: Today we are doing Chanukah in my home.

Oriel: אמא הביאה לי שוקולד-My mother brought me chocolate.

Oren: I like rolling Chanukah.

Tohar: I do jelly with cake.

Ari Lev: I slept in my bed and when I got chocolate and milk and I got a big house.

Looking forward to more adventures next week!

Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Raizel

[email protected]

Miss Deana


Wow the last 2 weeks have flown by! We learned the letter “Xx” and the letter “Bb”. For art the children used balloons to paint with.  The children had so much fun and we ended up with paint everywhere (that’s what school is for right). Our little friend Sammy has been under the weather for a couple weeks so on Tuesday we were able to FaceTime him.  We sent him well wishes and can’t wait for him to come back to school.

During our morning circle we have been practicing for our performance.  The children are so excited for you to hear their songs. The children have been working on centerpieces, and our backdrop. Our class is singing 3 songs total. Please keep in mind the goal is to just get on stage and hope there’s no tears. It’s very intimidating to stand up in front of everyone and sing. The best part is eating lunch together.  Please let me know if your not able to attend.

I’m A Little Scarecrow

I’m a little scarecrow raggedy and worn

I wear a hat, and my shirt is torn

When the crows fly by I wave and shout 

Away from my garden now get out!

Autumn Leaves

Leaves are falling 

Leaves are falling

On the ground

On the ground

Days are getting shorter

Nights are getting longer

Fall is here

Fall is here

Have a good weekend,

Miss Deana

Morah Raizel

Dear Parents,

Remember last week when we were talking about Avraham’s special tent?  It had 4 doors and was always open to guests.  Did you know that Sara had a special tent too?  Sara had 3 special blessings from Hashem in her tent.  When she baked challah for Shabbos it stayed delicious for a whole week! When she lit candles, they did not burn out!  They stayed lit for 7 days until the next Shabbos!  And there was one more special thing, a special cloud of Hashem hovered above her tent. 

TTTO The Wheels on the bus


Sara’s tent had 3 special things

3 special things, 3 special things,

Sara’s tent had 3 special things,

Our mother Sara. 

The cloud of Hashem, protected her tent,

Protected her tent, protected her tent,

The cloud of Hashem protected her tent,

Our mother Sara. 

Her candles stayed all week long,

All week long, all week long

Her candles stayed all week long,

Our mother Sara. 

Her challah stayed fresh for 7 days

7 days, 7 days, 7 days,

Her challah stayed fresh for 7 days

Our mother Sara. 

The cloud of Hashem, protected her tent,

Protected her tent, protected her tent,

The cloud of Hashem protected her tent,

Our mother Sara. 

Sara passed away in this week’s parsha and Eliezer, the servant of Avraham, is entrusted with the important mission of finding a wife for Yitzchak.  Eliezer met a lovely girl named Rivka.  He noticed how kind she was!  Rivka agreed to marry Yitzchak.  When she moved into Sara’s tent, the three special blessings returned.


Shabbat Shalom!

Morah Raizel 

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class

From Miss Deana 

This week we learned the letter “Oo”.  Our Sign Language words are: owl, orange, and octopus.  For free art this week the children painted using our cups. They dipped them in various colors and it created the perfect letter O. We started practicing for our Thanksgiving performance. The children are so excited to sing for you all. During our morning circle we played “What's Missing” using felt shapes.  This type of game is great for children’s memory and concentration. It’s also a great way to practice patience, and taking turns.

On Wednesday, I brought out scissors, stickers, and tape. Cutting tape is a great way for the children to get some scissor time. Cutting and sticking activities stimulates your child's cognitive development.  Cutting is a great way to work on fine motor skills and hand eye coordination. The children also feel independent and proud of themselves.  We have been working a lot on independence. The children are trying to open their snacks/lunches. Putting in their jackets, and even trying to button their clothes.

For Science this week, I brought in a pumpkin. I cut the pumpkin's top, and the children had the chance to look inside and smell the pumpkin.  We then added some soil and left all the insides and seeds inside. Over the next few days the pumpkin will start to sprout.  A big thank you to Miss Lisa for getting us some Indian corn. We passed around the Indian corn so the children could feel it and smell it. We put it in a bin and added a bit of water and we will watch it to see what happens (we hope it will sprout). The joy of Science is that no matter what happens to the pumpkin or Indian corn we will enjoy the process!

Important Reminders:

I sent home your child’s conference time either in person, or telephone time on Thursday, if you need to change it please let me know.

From Morah Raizel 

Dear Parents,

This week the children learned about the next story in the Torah, the story of Avram, the first Jew.  Avram is known as the first Jew because he was the first one to discover Hashem. The children learned a song about Avram. We read the book A Little Boy Named Avram by Dina Rosenfeld.

In this week’s parsha, Hashem commands Avram to leave his father’s house and travel to the land He will show him.  We learned about the famine that Avram found in the land of Canaan and how he had to travel to Egypt, where his wife Sarai was taken as a wife for Paraoh because she was so beautiful.  Hashem protected Sarai and Paraoh was afflicted with an illness.  He returned Sarai to Avram with a lot of gifts.  

We also learned about the argument between Avram and his nephew Lot’s shepherds.  Because of the fight, they parted ways.  Lot was later captured during a war and Avram saved him!

We learned about Hashem’s promise to Avram, that his children will inherit the land of Canaan, and that his children will be as numerous as the stars and sand.

We learned that we are Avram’s children and because of that, Israel is our special land, promised to us by Hashem.

 This is the song that we learned this week:

 For the tune, please click here.

A Small Boy of Three

When Avram was a small boy of three,

He looked at the stars and the sea.

He thought that Hashem was in the sky,

The sun or the moon so high.

But after each one in its time did set,

He knew there was someone greater yet.

Then he understood, and was filled with love,

He knew that Hashem was above (repeat).

Best wishes for a restful Shabbos!  

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel 4's Class


Dear Parents,

We had a beautiful month full of meaningful holidays.  After Simchas Torah, we discussed the gifts that Hashem gives us.  Rosh Hashanah is our chance to ask for sweetness.  Yom Kippur reminds us that we can always fix our mistakes.  Sukkos is all about unity and Simchas Torah reminds us to be joyful and appreciate the Torah's preciousness.

Last Shabbos, we read the first Torah portion, Beraishis, which describes the creation of the world.  After our holiday reflection, we learned about Hashem creating the world through speech, using the letters of the Aleph Beis.  We talked about why we celebrate Shabbos on the seventh day.  

The Parsha (Torah Portion) of the week is Noach, that is the Parsha of the week. This week we learned about Noach (Noah), who was commanded by Hashem to build an ark.  It took him 120 years to build the tayva (ark).  The people of his generation had the opportunity to change, but they didn’t.   Noach had to gather food and bring all the animals, reptiles, birds, and insects into the tayva.  Tayva living was not easy, Noach had to feed the animals all day and night.  He even encountered an impatient lion that bit his leg!  Ouch!  After the flood ended and the land dried, Hashem told Noach to leave the tayva.  He first let the gentle animals out and lastly the predators, this ensured the safety of the animals.  

Noach was so thankful to Hashem for saving himself and his family. Hashem promised Noach that He would never bring a flood that would destroy the world again.  The sign that Hashem showed Noach was a rainbow.  Whenever it rains and we see a rainbow, we say a special bracha (blessing) that Hashem is keeping His promise.

Best wishes for a restful Shabbos!

Morah Raizel

[email protected]


Wow, what a crazy time the last few weeks have been! This week we jumped into learning the letter “Nn”.  Our Sign Language words are: napkin, nail, and no. On Monday I sent home the parent/teacher conference time sheet. Please turn them ASAP so I can schedule accordingly. Conferences are November 11th. There’s no school, however daycare is available please speak to Morah Chanie about availability.  During our morning circle we played the “Name Game”. This type of game is helpful for assessments. It covered: name recognition, color recognition, letter recognition, turn taking, following directions, and gross motor skills.

On Monday, I brought out a light table. The children used Magnatiles, and transparent Lego’s. Light tables are a great way to enhance their fine motor skills, cause and effect. It’s also a basic visual skill, as well as a more complex visual motor, and visual- perceptual skills, plus it’s just so much fun!

Morah Raizel was teaching about Noah’s Tayva. On Tuesday I brought out our hammer and nails and the children had a chance to use them and really feel what using a hammer feels like.  On Thursday, we used big blocks and created a Tayva. We added people and animals. We discussed the different levels of the Tayva (trash on bottom, then animals, then people) Another activity the children did was a Tayva fill in using small wooden blocks.

On Friday, we had a petting zoo. The children were so brave, a few friends waited outside the barrier, but were still able to touch them.  The children were very safe, calm, and used the 2 finger rule.  We also made Challah and had a Shabbos party, what a fun and busy day!

Important Reminder: 

  • Please turn in your preferred conference time sheet. If you need to reschedule I can come early, or stay later, or we can do a phone call. Just let me know. 

Until Next Week,

Miss Deana 

Miss Deana - October 11, 2024

Dear Parents,  

I hope you all had a safe and happy Rosh Hashanah! Last week we learned the letter “Rr” and this week we learned the letter “Yy”.  For art the children painted using plastic rakes for letter R and painted using yarn for letter Y. Some new Sign language words we learned are: rabbit, rake, honey, happy, yes, yo-yo, and yellow. During our morning circle this week we played “What’s Missing” using items from around the class.  The children are getting used to playing games. They are waiting patiently, and taking turns, we will continue to practice not yelling out the answers (this will take some more time).

On Wednesday, we had a baking day. The children made honey cake muffins. The children all had a chance to measure, mix and stir. We checked the eggs to make sure they were Kosher, we talked about all the different colors the items were that we put in, and smelled the mixture once we mixed them all together. We turned baking into a Science, and 5 senses activity with a yummy outcome.

On Thursday the children made Tzedakah boxes. They used markers to color them and added stickers (great fine motor activity) for decorating them.

The next few weeks will be a little hectic so at school we will try to keep our schedule the same to alleviate some of the hustle and bustle! We have spent some time this week really working on talking with friends. This is the age where they start understanding that their words have an effect on each other. When a child says “you can’t play” to a friend it hurts the friend's feelings.  It’s also a very powerful statement. When a child has a mean face, or a mean tone that can also be powerful to other people.  When I read a story, we talk about what the character's face looks like (mean/angry, sad/happy). This is a task that we will work on throughout the school year.

Until Next Week,
Miss Deana

Miss Deana & Morah Raizel - 4's

From Miss Deana

What a great week!  We continued to learn the letter “Aa” as well as all about Rosh Hashana. Our Sign Language words this week are: apple, and honey.  During our morning circle I introduced the children to a new game using their name cards. It’s a letter recognition and following directions game. I wrote a letter on a board and if the same letter is in their name the follow a certain direction (jump three times, spin 4 times etc). I use this type of game as a tool when I’m observing the children for assessments.


On Tuesday we apple painted using red, yellow, and green.  The children learned quickly that if you use red and yellow it makes the color orange, and if you mix red, yellow, and green it turns into brown. Thursday we tasted red, green, and red/yellow apples. Most of the children tried all three apples, and the most liked apple was the red/yellow apple. 


We worked a lot on puzzles this week. Puzzles are a great way to work on finger strength, hand eye coordination. Puzzles also work on spatial awareness, logical thinking, reasoning, and problem solving abilities. There is so much going on then just completing a puzzle.  Puzzles are also a way to build teamwork.  If  a child is having difficulty with puzzles. I like to buddy the children up and have them complete the puzzle together.  The children get so excited completing the puzzle  together.  


Until Next Week,

Miss Deana

From Morah Raizel 


Dear Parents,

Rosh Hashanah is less than a week away and the children are getting ready!  This week we read books about Rosh Hashanah and bees and tasted apples.  We documented the apples the children liked, and the apples that were less liked (they were all pretty popular).  The books we read this week were Rosh Hashanah Guess Who by Ariella Stern and Engineer Ari’s Rosh Hashanah Train by Deborah Bodin Cohen.  We also read a book called Meet Thimblebee by Bonnie Galindo.  This book came with a stuffed Thimblebee, and taught us all about making honey!  The children were fascinated by the story.

The children are becoming increasingly familiar with the customs and mitzvahs associated with Rosh Hashanah. We are excited to celebrate it in five more sleeps!

Shabbat Shalom! 

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