3's Class - Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - Hebrew Academy Karp Early Childhood Center

3's Class - Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi

Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - 3's Class

Greetings families,

Thoughts on Goodbyes

I know we have several friends that are having a difficult time saying goodbye at drop off. Some were fine and all of a sudden it’s an issue while others have never been a fan of the whole “ you leaving” for any reason ever. Here are some suggestions on how to move through this tough transition as smoothly as possible. First understand that the anticipation of the goodbye is usually far worse than the actual departure. They know what you are doing and the order that you do it in when you leave. Trying to engage them in something in the room is seldom effective. No activity in the room is as enticing as you NOT going. We want to get them through the sadness and onto the fun as quickly as possible. If they need a “hand off” Miss Bailey and I are happy to provide a lap and a cuddle. Some friends want nothing to do with us and they are downright ticked off at being left so they prefer the book area. We have colorful lights and cozy pillows and they can just feel their feelings without an audience. When they are ready they let us know. Please don’t leave and come back or play “one last hug” as this causes the anxiety to go up and is emotionally confusing. Let us know when you’re ready to go, hand your child to us rather than having us pull them off of you. The message with that is you trust this person so much you are giving your child to them, instead of here comes someone to pry you away from mommy. I’ve noticed it makes a difference.

Also, everything I said last week about all the steps in putting away their stuff themselves goes out the window when the child is in distress. Just set their backpack on the floor inside the door, tell them you love them and will see them soon. You are always welcome to call Chanie to see how long until they stopped crying. I’m here to tell you that it is WAY harder on you than them and that it will get better!

 Wow, that was way too long! Until next week and I promise I will share some of the amazing activities your child has been doing five minutes after you leave them crying.

News from Morah Mimi 

We have delved into Rosh Hashanah. All our friends are really enjoying all the fun we are having. Here are some of the things we are doing:

  • Singing Rosh Hashonah songs.

  • We talked about how honey is sweet.  We will be having a tasting of apples and honey so the children can have a 4D experience of this special holiday. 

  • We pretend to be bumblebees with our bumblebee headbands.  We go  from  flower to flower and use our “straws” to suck up the nectar. We bring it back to our beehives and throw up the nectar to make the honey.

  • We have been using fake apples to sort  the colors using tongs. We are using a mystery bag to show the children Rosh Hashanah items. 

  • We say thank you to the bumblebee for making us honey. We use bumblebee finger puppets to sing Rosh Hashanah and Bumble bee songs.

Some of our Rosh Hashanah Songs:

Devorah song: TTO: I’m a little teapot

I am a little Devorah see me fly

Straight from my flour to my hive

I can make you honey oh so sweet

For Rosh Hashanah what a treat!

Dip the  Apple in the honey TTO: oh my darling Clementine

Dip the apple in the honey

Make a break loud and clear

L’shanah tova u’metukah 

Have a happy Sweet new year!

Thank you to Morah Raizel who did a fabulous Shabbat party! Singing shabbat  songs and using her puppets! 

Shabbat shalom!

See you all next week! Morah Mimi 

Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - 3's

Hello Families 

As you have noticed when dropping off your child, we are really working on the children doing their “job” independently. This does take patience and time but they will get there. We teachers get so used to the ritual that we often need to stop and break down the expectation and most importantly remember their age and experience. We are asking them to:

  • Say goodbye to loved ones (and that is sometimes REALLY hard)
  • Remove their lunch and snacks from their backpack and place it in their upper cubby 
  • Put their backpack in their Lower cubby
  • Put their water bottle in the container by the door
  • Wash their hands and make a room choice

And we are expecting them to focus on these tedious tasks when friends are SO excited to talk and play with them and there are SO many inviting activities and shiny distractions along the way! Oh yeah and they’re THREE YEAR OLDS! I try to hold that in my mind when determining expectations for the students. They have been on the planet for three years. Their bodies and minds are developing faster than they ever will, they're being immersed in information and stimuli constantly, and they are attempting to cope with REALLY BIG FEELINGS. Wow, that’s a lot huh? But with patience and support they will get there. 

We also work on autonomy with changing clothes and putting on shoes and socks. They are so proud and confident when they do it. I assure you that we notice when things are inside out and backwards and we did try to get them to fix it, but they worked SO hard to do it themselves and are SO proud and anxious to get back to playing that they typically refuse to fix it. 

With the hot days and water play we will get plenty of practice.

My email is unfortunately still not working so if you need to email me you will have to go through Chanie for a while.

Have a great weekend!

News From Morah Mimi 

Thank you Rabbi Popack for blowing the shofar for us!  We sang a shofar song to the tune of The Wheels of the Bus.  It goes like this:  The shofar in the Shul goes tu tu tu, tu tu tu, tu tu tu.  The shofar in the Shul goes tu tu tu on Rosh Hashanah! The apple in the honey goes dip, dip, dip, dip , dip, dip on Rosh Hashanah. The people in the shul go daven daven daven , daven , daven , daven on Rosh Hashanah. The bumblebees in the hive go buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz on Rosh Hashanah.

We are thanking the bumblebees for giving us honey. They give us honey so we can dip our apples in it. We will be tasting different kinds of apples before Rosh Hashanah and deciding which one we like better. 

Every Friday, we enjoy a Shabbat party.  Morah Raizel plays her guitar while we sing Shabbat tunes.  We love her special puppets!

Reminder:  please send a mitzvah note with your child daily.  Near the sign-in sheet by the front door are papers you can use for this purpose.  Your children look forward to hearing these readings each day.      

Shabbat Shalom!  Have a wonderful and joyous weekend! 

Morah Mimi



Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - 3's Class


Hello families,

We got right off and running despite it being a short week. The majority of the class has been together for at least one year so they were already happy to see their “besties.” New friends have quickly become right at home and happily embraced by the group.

I am happy to announce that this year I will have Miss Bailey as my aide this year. She was in the two year old class during the summer and had already made connections with the students. She is also a guinea pig enthusiast (or fanatic if you prefer) and she will often bring her furry friends to visit our classroom.

Mora Mimi will be our Judaic teacher and spends a couple of hours with the class daily. She will do the Davening, read Mitzvah notes, and do the holiday themes and projects. 


Make sure that your child has extra clothes in their cubby daily & if they come home in different clothing please remember to supplement the next day. We will be doing water play next week and I want everyone to participate.

Please remember to send a water cup daily

We do not nap on Fridays because with the two o'clock dismissal there isn’t time to put them down and get them back up. Typically we will send home bedding on Thursday, but due to the short week we will send them home next Thursday 

A Note from Morah Mimi

Dear Parents,

We’ve had a great start to the year! It’s been wonderful seeing familiar faces and meeting new friends. The children are getting used to the routine, and we’re enjoying getting to know each of them.

Each day, we start with davening and giving tzedakah. We also talk about mitzvah notes, which are a special part of our day.. Please keep sending mitzvah notes with your child. I read them every day, and the children are always so happy to hear their mitzvot shared.  

Every Friday, we make challah to take home, which the children really enjoy. 

We can’t wait for what’s to come in our class as the year continues!

Have a wonderful Shabbat shalom and long weekend!

Morah Mimi  

Welcome to the 3's Class

Welcome families,

      My name is Lisa Haley and I am excited to be your child’s teacher this year. This will be my fourteenth year here at the Hebrew Academy and my twenty eighth in early childhood education.  


      I support the “Whole child” approach to early childhood education. This includes: cognitive, physical, and social/emotional. Young children are “Active learners” meaning that they learn by doing. They gain information through their five senses and from concrete experiences that they obtain in their environment and with one another. Academics are an intrinsic component in everything that we do throughout our day. We read, count, observe, discuss, explore, negotiate, problem solve, and use critical thinking skills all day long. The broad term for all of this learning is “play”. A child’s “work” is actively engaging in play with their peers. As young children tend to throw themselves into their work, this can get quite messy so please dress your child for success and make sure that they have a complete change of clothes in their cubby daily.


In addition to lunch please send two snack items if your child is half day and four if your child is full day. At the end of the day the children can also finish their lunches. Also please send a labeled water bottle or drinking cup everyday.


      I have found that a strong and consistent connection between home and school plays a pivotal role in scholastic success; particularly at the preschool level. For many children this is their first time away from family for extended periods of time. Please contact me if you wish to discuss any questions, concerns, or comments regarding your child or our program. I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child and to a wonderful school year. 


Dear parents,

We are very excited to have your children in our class this year!  We hope to infuse them with a love for Judaism by approaching all learning with creativity and enthusiasm.  They will be learning the Hebrew alphabet and Hebrew words.  The Jewish holidays will come alive as they participate in hands-on experiences.  The children will be encouraged to perform good deeds(Midot Tovot) as we collect and share mitzvah notes daily.  The Judaism program includes sensory activities, music and movement, yoga, felt stories and puppet play!

Morah Mimi



Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - June 20, 2024

From Miss Lisa 

Year End

Another year has flown by and it's time to say goodbye. I look at photos of the children up in the classroom and they look like babies! They even notice it. Pictures before the boys first haircuts and how all of their cheeks were fatter, it is amazing how much they have grown! Mora Mimi and I were talking about how all of their skills have improved so much and how they are working to resolve conflicts independently. They are also more confident and ready for new challenges in the four year old class next year.

I want to thank all of you first and foremost for sharing your children with me, it was an amazing school year. Also I need to thank you so much for your support and communication throughout the year. I really felt we were working together to best meet your child's needs. 

Most of all I want to thank:

Ari, Asher, Ben, Elias, Goldie, Hannah, Oren, Pearl, Ruby, Savannah, Shiloh, Shneur, Tohar, Zalman

For every little thing that they brought to our classroom family this year, celebrate responsibly graduates and have a wonderful summer! 

From Morah Mimi

I can’t believe this is our last week in school. 

We’ve enjoyed learning Aleph Bais, celebrating holidays, and learning all kinds of skills. 

It’s  been amazing to witness their problem-solving skills and persistence develop over the months. These activities have not only been fun but have also added  to their cognitive growth.

Get ready for a lot of water play this summer. It’s great for their sensory development and lots of fun, whether in the pool or on the playground.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to teach your beautiful children. We learned a lot this year. Keep giving your  children mitzvah notes. They love that incentive. 


Have a super fun and relaxing summer! 

Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - June 7, 2024

FROM MS LISA  (See below for news from Morah Mimi)

Group Time

As our enthusiasms were elsewhere, we hadn't played Guess What's Missing in quite awhile. We randomly decided to revisit this game and I was blown away by their growth and progress with zero practice. It was all natural cognitive development. The students who formerly had no interest in the game were nailing it! We need to remember that children intrinsically challenge themselves so when they have zero interest in something, they typically aren't ready for it and may feel a bit self conscious about it, especially in front of a group. Give them time, space, and opportunities and they will get there. 


It's already time for our year end Performance! We have been practicing a song that we have delighted in all year so trust and believe me when I say: THEY KNOW IT. Now, whether or not they will show this fact onstage is another matter entirely. They may refuse to get on the stage, freeze, cry, pee their pants …it's anyone's guess but remember that it's all good. I don't want them to feel pressure, just have fun! 

Fine Motor

This week I put out tongue depressors, colored tape, scissors, and markers. The students were very creative and I was floored by their ability to keep the marker on such a tiny, raised space. Some friends taped down the sticks or wrapped them while others just made beautiful sticks to take home. Many of the children can now work their bimanual skills to cut off tape completely independently. This isn't “mastery with scissors” because it only requires a single cut, but they are doing it with one hand and the self-confidence is through the roof which encourages them to try for that next step.



We are continuing to talk about the holiday of Shavuos. We are so lucky that Hashem gave us the Torah. Hashem asked other nations but they said no. The Jewish people said, “ Yes, we will do and we will listen.” 


*We read the book: When the World Was Quiet by Phyllis Nutkis. 

*We decorated and painted with glitter glue our Torah that we are bringing home for Shavuos  We added stickers too. 
are learning about the concepts of tall, wide and small. For example, when we play, we make tall towers, taller than us. 

*We also talked about what humble means and how Hashem picked Har Sinai for giving  the Torah because it was humble.  We are working on not teasing each other.  We don’t say “me, me, or you're not beautiful” because we will hurt someone’s feelings. 

In our science area, we have grass, flowers and bugs and things they can pretend to plant with. We talked about what we need to make plants grow: water, sun and soil. The children  used shovels and tongs to grab the bugs and flowers and stick them on the grass. We encouraged  them to use their imagination and explore creative possibilities!

We also practiced our songs for our end of the year performance. We are really trying to project our voices. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Have a wonderful weekend and Shabbat Shalom!  

Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - May 31, 2024



We have been beginning to explore patterns this week. We used our glorious graph and colored circles to create simple A-B-A-B patterns at group time. The students picked up on it very quickly. On the third day I switched it up to magnatiles with a square-triangle pattern. This took a minute as the children were used to noting colors. Now the colors were irrelevant and could be next to each other so long as the shapes differed. They soon switched cognitive gears and caught on to the new pattern. We then played with an auditory pattern with a slap-slap-clap-slap-slap-clap pattern and an homage to “We will Rock You.” Through understanding patterns, children learn to make predictions, to understand what comes next, to make logical connections, and to use reasoning skills which is a higher level brain function. 

Creative Art

The students had the opportunity to explore painting as well as creating collages with colored glue and foam letters and spring flowers and insects. As is always the case, my art enthusiasts can't get enough while my “Not a fan” kiddos can't be paid to do it. We are who we are right?


Our work with Magnatiles has developed exponentially recently and not just with my block enthusiasts. Just about all of my students are gravitating to this task and the structures are becoming much more complex. They are as tall as a child or with different enclosures to separate rooms for their micro-dramatic people, animals, or vehicles. I have seen squares used to make triangle structures, cars being built and feats that seem to defy physics. And we still hold fast and firm that you only get to knock down your own work. If you break a friend's then the blocks are closed for you. Our consistent and logical consequences have resonated and our being respected…most of the time. We still have to test those boundaries to make sure that there is order in the universe, right? 


We are continuing our count, all the way to receiving  the Torah. We know there are many rules and laws that are in the Torah.  We said Na'aseh v’ Nishma, we will do and we will  listen. We keep trying to do many mitzvot to bring the Torah. 

We started talking about our new holiday called Shavuos which is the day Hashem gave us a present, the Torah. We told a felt story about  three mountains. The highest mountain and the widest mountain were fighting over which mountain the Torah  should be given on. But little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed, “ I know I’m  not tall and I know I'm not wide. The Torah can’t  be given on me” he said. Because the tallest and widest  mountains were not simple and humble, the Torah was not given on them. Hashem made the little mountain( Har Sinai)  very beautiful because he didn’t hold himself high. He deserved to have  the Torah given on him! 

We read the book: When the World Was Quiet by Phyllis Nutkis. 

Har Sinai song: 

I am a mountain so very high. I can reach way up to the sky. 

The Torah should be given on me because I am the highest mountain you see. Oh no!

I am a mountain so very wide. I can reach from side to side. 

The Torah should be given on me because I am the widest  mountain you see. Oh no! 

Little Har Sinai just stood there and sighed. I know I’m not tall, I know I’m not wide.

The Torah can’t be given on me because I am the smallest mountain you see.

But from all the mountains Hashem chose Sinai because he did not hold himself high. He had such simple and humble ways.  From this we learn that humbleness pays.

Have a wonderful Shabbos, 

Miss Lisa & Morah Mimi - May 24, 2024

 FROM MISS LISA (Scroll down for Judaic News.)


We had a lot of fine motor and math work in our table choices this week. Connect four worked the pincer grasp and one to one correspondence, as did the light bright, pegboards and push pin activities. I also shaped out some of our puzzles with Miss Deana for some variety. It is really great to see how far the students have come in their abilities. The best part is seeing the growth in their confidence. They approach new puzzles with self confidence rather than insecurity. They may need help once or twice, but they are seeing that the same puzzle skills they use with familiar puzzles can be transferred over to new ones.

 Assessments will be sent home in the upcoming weeks and it is important to note the progress that came from simply letting children play. Their improvement wasn't because of anything I was formally teaching, but because of their natural tendency towards learning. All we need to do is facilitate an environment with developmentally appropriate activities and give them time and space to work while thoroughly enjoying themselves and goals will be reached.


With tremendous work from Miss Bailey we have completed our glorious graph. The students' names are printed horizontally across the bottom and numbers 1-10 are ascending vertically on both sides. Remember this is SUPER preliminary. We are just familiarizing ourselves with the visual of a graph and the concept that it helps us to quantify. We count the buttons on our clothing and even if they don't have any that day they will get a handful of colorful circles to put on the graph above their name. We count as we apply them and work on some of our math vocabulary: less, more, same, most, and total. As long as their interest holds we will be finding all sorts of items to graph in our day.


This week, we learned the amazing story of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and his son, Eliezer.   From him, we learn the importance of being kind to one another. When asked how we can show kindness, some student responses included sharing, being gentle, and taking turns with toys. 

We discovered that on Lag B'Omer, we enjoy picnics, bonfires, and singing songs around the fire. The children had fun decorating pieces of wood with watercolors and we enjoyed nature's beauty.

During group time, we went on a pretend picnic, using the song "We're Going on a Picnic," where each child chose a food to add to our basket. Another exciting activity was a music and movement song by Kira Wiley called "Going on a Walk," where we pretended to be bears hiking in the forest. The children were fully engaged and excited.

We sang a lovely song around our pretend fire: "Oh, let’s be friends  and join together, oh, let’s be friends now and forever. Oh Let’s be friends and join together. Oh, let’s be friends cause that’s the Torah way."

Have a Wonderful week and a Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, May 17, 2024

Spring FUN

We have added to our exploration of spring. We have flowers EVERYWHERE that would hold still long enough and some on our science table that they can “plant” in the pretend grass. We also have micro-dramatic insects, rocks & crystals, and mini stumps to explore and arrange.

Life Cycles

After talking about the life cycle of a butterfly with The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carl, we expanded on the concept with life cycle manipulatives. We had the butterfly, honey bee, frog, and ladybug as table choices this week. Each one has 4-5 different pieces that show each unusual stage in the metamorphoses of these creatures. 

We also used magnifying glasses to check out some cool insects trapped in resin as well as geodes and amethysts. Lots of science and nature this week! 

Rock Crayon Rubbings

Some friends opted to experiment with doing rubbing to create images. We have several raised templates: bugs, flowers, birds, leaves. The children put their paper on top of them and use our rock crayons to rub back and forth until the picture below comes through. As beautiful as the outcome is, this is NOT a creative endeavor. It requires following directions and moving in a very specific way. Some friends became frustrated with the process and left the activity and this is OKAY! They are not “there” yet developmentally. Others wanted to do it over and over. When the products come, be sure to ask “How did you make this?” 

With warmer weather, water play will be a daily option so please make sure that your child has a complete change of clothes in their cubby daily. 

News From Morah Mimi

On Tuesday, we had our Israel celebration where the children visited different cities in Israel.  They went to Yerushalayim, where they made pictures of their wishes from Hashem and then taped them to the “Kotel”.  They joined in Israeli dancing in Tel Aviv, dug for artifacts in Be’er Sheva, and painted in Tzfat.  The experience ended with singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to Israel and eating delicious cupcakes.  Of course, we had falafel for lunch.  It was delicious.

We learned all about the holiday of Lag B’ Omer,  the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer until we receive the Torah on the holiday of Shavuos.  Every day, we add another flower to our mountain.

We are learning different kinds of mitzvos. Some of the mitzvot we talked about::

  • sharing with our friends, 

  • being nice to our teachers and parents, 

  • helping at home. 

We talked about Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.  We read the book “The Story of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai by Genendel Krohn”. 

Have a good Shabbas and a wonderful weekend! 

Morah Mimi, [email protected]

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