We are bringing some focus to the season of winter, regardless if nature is choosing to comply. We doffed our fall leaves and acorns and put up snowflakes in their place. On the science table we have micro dramatic icebergs, an igloo and some arctic animals. There are white rocks and other items to build a little winter world.
We switched up our sensory tubs to be a bit more snow inspired. There is white rice and blue aquarium rocks, snowflakes & little plastic chips that look like ice. Lots of scooping, shaking and pincer grasp work.
An art option was squeezing colored glue onto paper and adding biodegradable packing peanuts to it. I like the biodegradable ones better because when enough glue is added (and three year olds add TONS) the peanuts start to disintegrate or “melt” before our eyes. The bottles we use require two hands to squeeze, which gets those wrists and hands going. It was cute to see some friends enter “the zone” where they were just watching the glue slowly drizzle and drip down, oblivious to everything happening around them. The packing peanuts are great at absorbing lots of glue.
As you may have noticed, our playground is under construction and out of commission for the foreseeable future. The kindergarten has generously appropriated us a yard time on theirs. Our time is nine to ten so if you arrive within that time window we will be on the other end of the campus. We have new gross motor challenges and our friends have been having fun on the “big kid” structures. In the afternoon we are opening just our sandbox and the block and micro dramatic center on our playground. Have a wonderful weekend
Dear Parents,
We started learning about the different brachos ( blessings) we say before we eat certain foods. This week, we began learning about the blessing Borei Pri Hagafen, which we say over grape juice during Kiddush and Havdalah. The children had so much fun using juice squeezers to make their own grape juice!
We also explored and tasted three different kinds of grapes and enjoyed sampling three types of grape juice: sparkling, purple, and peach. It was delicious!
We also learned the bracha for bread, pizza, bagels and more. It is
Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Haolam hamotzei lechem min Haaretz. Blessed are You, L-rd our G-d, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the earth.
We learned how bread is made. The farmer picks the wheat grass and then crushes the wheat berries through a flour mill. This becomes flour. We mixed the flour with the yeast and water and sugar and watched it rise. This was a fun experiment finding out that adding sugar makes the dough rise. Thanks to Morah Raizel for letting us use the kernel grinder – we each took turns making flour from wheat kernels!We crushed the wheat berries and turned the mill to make flour. Wow, the children were amazed how that became flour.
Then, you get dough that can be shaped and baked to make bread. Every single step, the children got to see and feel the experience while using real items. We added flour and salt and more water and eggs. Usually, we have the dough brought to us but this time we got to make it ourselves. I wish you could have smelled the classroom. Yum, yum, yummy!
We read a few books on brachos and one of them was , Where Does Food Come from? by Dina Rosenfeld. What an exciting week! We can’t wait for next week to learn the bracha we make on cookies, cakes, pretzels and more!
Shabbat Shalom! Have a wonderful weekend!